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Health in Mexico

Written By Luthfie fadhillah on Friday, March 18, 2011 | 7:18 AM

Water in bottles or marked 'drinking/sterilised water' can be drunk without precautions. All other water for drinking, brushing teeth or ice should be boiled or sterilised. Milk in major cities, hotels and resorts is pasteurised; otherwise, it should be boiled. Powdered or tinned milk is available. Only eat well-cooked meat and fish, cooked vegetables and peeled fruit.
Health care:

Comprehensive health insurance is recommended. Medical facilities are both private and state-organised and generally good. Medicines are often available without prescriptions, and pharmacists can diagnose and treat minor ailments.

Inoculation regulations can change at short notice; see for updated recommendations. Please take medical advice in the case of doubt. Where 'Sometimes' appears in the table above, precautions may be required, depending on the season and region visited.

* Potentially required if travelling for extended periods or in certain rural areas.
Other risks:

Diarrhoea and sunburn affect some travellers. Outbreaks of dengue fever have occurred, chiefly in the southeast states of Chiapas and Veracruz and the northern border states of Chihuahua and Tamaulipas. Rabies is present. If bitten, seek medical advice without delay. Owing to the high altitude and level of smo
7:18 AM | 1 komentar | Read More

Beyond The Ego And Mythical Psychological Reality

This essay is about psychological reality. Paradoxically, psychological reality is mythical. It is dreamlike. There is psychological reality… i.e. we are conscious beings with unconscious experiences. Just beyond the conscious mind the psyche is constantly in a dream-state. Hence when we drift off to sleep all of that dream-world takes over.

The repression of the conscious ego relaxes its grip and soon lets go altogether and the more 'real you' takes over… the fantasist. Hence the child who has watched a horror movie that night (and was frightened by it) will have nightmares due to his conscious defenses sleeping and the fantasy material (that he has turned into symbolic images of fear) breakthrough.

Likewise the mother whose child has perished in a tragic accident, whilst not being able to repress her horrific feelings consciously… will have absolutely no success if she ever gets any sleep… because again, her repressing conscious defenses will be down. Admittedly they are extreme examples (especially the latter) but the psyche is constantly dreaming anyway in a dialogue with consciousness. The fact of the matter is that even if ones life is mundane the deeper part of the mind will be day-dreaming and if a hypnotist were to make the conscious mind sleep or to go to the borderline of waking consciousness and sleep… the individual would experience his dream world reality. This is totally irrespective of the intelligence or excitement of his life, or of any other factor.

Hence Depth Psychology speaks of mythical psychological reality. How can the nature of the psyche be both mythical and real? That question can be answered by way of an example. Imagine a young man with a mild neurotic personality. He's always stressed out about something and this makes it hard for him to function effectively in everyday life. Then one-day he is conscripted to fight in a war for his country. Whilst at war he experiences serious physical pain for himself and witnesses serious physical injury in others. When the war ends and he is able to return to his previous way of living he realizes that he is a changed man. He looks back on his previous neurotic personality as a waste of energy. He no longer gets stressed out about trivialities. But that is just the point. Previously (pre-war) he did not regard the things that stressed him out as "trivialities." On the contrary, they were only too "real." Now (post-war) he wonders why he 'stressed' so much over such trivial things? The answer is that he now knows better. He has perspective. He sees that the previous stressing was mythical psychology. The contrast is of course with serious physical pain, suffering and literal bodily death… all things that are all too real. Hence the "mythical" aspect of "psychological reality" is demonstrated by "perspective."

What is it that makes the (pre-war) young man so neurotic? Of course, there can be many possible answers to this but it is often associated with an immature ego perspective. Sigmund Freud, Alfred Adler and Carl Jung outlined much of their psychological thought in the early 20th century. Much of their thought can be read as a criticism of personal ego power. A century on it is clear that the ego and its inextricable link, "power" fail us. Ego power is anti social, rigid, one-sided, defensive, dogmatic, over-compensatory, literalizing and dividing. In all, ego-power is neurotic for oneself and for others. In the "war" example the immature ego gains perspective, and hence, "matures".

1. When thinking about psychological health I now find it helpful not to think of it as never-ending, permanent and so on. Rather I view psychological health as fluctuating with "myth" as the medicine for "lows." The ego cannot be relied on but will always be around. I simply distinguish myself from it. Hence I have a number 1 personality and a number 2 personality. The number 1 (the ego personality) is the one I distrust, yet is familiar to me. Number 2 (the one that consciously engages in myth) is the unfamiliar one but the one that is strangely medicinal. I am grateful to Marga Speicher whose essay titled "The Contributions of Literature to Psychological Growth" brought much needed clarity to my thought.

Once one withdraws projections and 'sees through' things, then virtually everything becomes myth. This may make the world seem meaningless but that is only so if one only believes in personal and cultural ego power. If one views the human as potentially creative within the context of a mythical world then one can engage with myth and narrative and experience health. Speicher lists the psychologically beneficial effects of reading as follows:

   1. The sheer pleasure of reading that leads to playful exploration, that opens imagination and that feeds it.
   2. The escape from one's world combined with finding attraction of another world, the opening vistas beyond one's immediate surroundings.
   3. The book, character, or author as good friend.
   4. The writing that expresses thoughts we dare not acknowledge in ourselves and that helps us to move them from secret existence to acknowledgment.
   5. The connection to one's ancestry, to one's physical, intellectual, spiritual roots.

2. Speicher quotes Coleridge in highlighting "a willing suspension of disbelief."

3. Speicher continues, "We participate on the level of the imagination. What is 'out there' in the book enters our experience in here. A certain amount of fusion or merger with the text takes place inside oneself."

4. Speicher correctly refers (later in her essay) to this being the experience of "participation mystique."

5. For that is what this fusion or merger is. It is experienced due to "Our knowledge that we are in a fictional world [which] lets us mark off the experience. We know we are reading; we know we will not act. This knowledge allows us to sink into the fiction, to connect to less conscious experience, to reach back into less differentiated or undifferentiated levels of psychic life. We never lose our connection with reality (unless one is psychotic): we know we are reading. In one part of psyche, we are in a state of fusion and, in another part; we maintain our state of ego integrity: in that state, we can link up with the unconscious fantasies that are the ground from which the text emerged."

6. Speicher crucially deals with the heart of the matter in question here… the psychological benefits of literature. She writes "To have a deep effect, the literary work has to contain an unconscious conflict, fantasy, complex, archetypal configuration that awakens a similar one in the reader. If, what is contained in the work has an analogous component in the reader, she will respond strongly and may use the work toward her development (development may include: remembrance; recovery of affect, desire; awareness of deficits, conflicts; awareness of alternative solutions to conflict; etc). If there is not an analogous level in the reader, she will not be stirred - although she may be interested."

7. Speicher argues that the ego is affected by all of this. The "willing suspension of disbelief" equates to a relaxing of "defenses" and a "loosening of boundaries between ego and non-ego."

8. In other words, to some extent, ego defenses are down and the unconscious (i.e. the non-ego) is experienced. But when I say "to some extent" I do so deliberately because it is not like sleep where the ego defenses are entirely asleep allowing the unconscious free reign to engulf ones psyche. Indeed, from a Jungian perspective, this conscious engagement with literature can be more therapeutic than 'dreams' due to the conscious/unconscious dialogue taking place. When one really engages with the narrative one is demonstrating 'openness', hence one experiences "the loosening of boundaries."

9. between ego and the non-ego unconscious. To quote from Speicher's essay again "I take apart some aspect of myself, connect to deeper layers, and rebuild differently as I emerge."

10. and "I think that the books that affect us deeply are those which we encounter at moments of concurrence, when that which appears before us meets an inner need. We then create out of the outer reality (the book) something for inner reality. The "out there" in the book and the "in here" in us are two lines that come from opposite sides and meet in one spot: the effect of art, of book on psyche."

11. Speicher discusses the Jungian archetypal layer towards the end of her essay. Again she correctly refers to the necessity of "openness." She writes "A stimulus stirs the writer and touches the archetypal layer behind the personal impetus; archetypal energies become activated, intensify, rise to the surface. The writer opens to the unconscious content, gives shape and form to archetypal images, and releases them in the finished work. The process requires openness and receptivity…"

12. It is also here where Speicher writes of Jung's concept of 'participation mystique'. She quotes Jung himself who says "participation mystique is the secret of artistic creation and of the effect which great art has upon us."

13. "In summary… to be affected deeply by the work of art, we have to approach it with openness and receptivity in a state characterized by a "willing suspension of disbelief." In that state, we (a) partly remain observers and thinkers and (b) partly loosen ego boundaries toward merger with the work - Or: we partly maintain ego consciousness and partly lower the threshold of consciousness, entering into participation mystique…"

14. Openly engaging in narrative can be seen as a partially conscious open dialogue with the unconscious, a suspension of disbelief that is educational and therapeutic. The famous Post-Jungian Archetypal Psychologist, James Hillman is well-aware of this therapeutic or medicinal dimension. He places it all as sovereign over phenomena like politics, science etc which has much mythologizing of its own. Hillman writes… "If the progression from sanity toward mental illness is distinguished by degrees of literalism, then the therapeutic road from psychosis back to sanity is one of going back through the same hermeneutic passage - deliteralising".

15 Hillman continues… "To be sane we must recognise our beliefs as fictions, and see through our hypotheses as fantasies. For the difference between madness and sanity depends not on society or politics, upbringing or chemistry, but wholly on our sense of fiction. Even more: to take literally any of the hypotheses such as upbringing or chemistry, society or politics, as the real truth and reason for mental illness is simply mental illness itself, now in the form of an explanatory fiction taken literally rather than heuristically."

16. Myth is medicine. The ego may not see this for a long time. Indeed, often the person lives forever entirely in personal and cultural ego consciousness and hence, never sees beyond ego power. But enough people do experience the healing nature of myth to understand that it is a medicine.
7:15 AM | 0 komentar | Read More

Central Brain Activation Not Supernatural?

Written By Luthfie fadhillah on Saturday, March 12, 2011 | 1:18 AM

Activation of the midbrain  is not something magical or supernatural because the smell can make the child has exceptional abilities and be able to demonstrate  that ability is amazing as the magic of entertainment programs on television. Activation of midbrain done scientifically.

Similarly, as mentioned in. Activation of the midbrain (mid brain activation) is much use Alpha brain waves, which have been scientifically proven as a brain wave that appears dominant when we are in a state of relaxed and most creative.

These brain waves are dominant at the time we wake up, or in a relaxed state in the toilet, or even medium hot water soak in the bathtub. No wonder, why Archimedes discovered "Achimedes law" when he was in the shower.

Midbrain which emit activated similar brain wave radar. This makes the owner able to see things in a state of closed eyes.

Basically, the wave is located under the nose and only able to detect objects located just below the nose. However, regular exercise can make the children become stronger and able to see objects located higher.

In fact, there are some kids who can medeteksi to 360 degrees. That means they can detect objects located behind, above and all directions.
1:18 AM | 0 komentar | Read More

Drinking Water Ice Making a big belly?

I am a big fan of cold drinks. Want to hot or cold weather, I still drink cold. So far no serious problems with my health. However, recently I read on the internet, ice water or cold water is not good for health. Others say that cold water makes the stomach distended. What to do, huh, Doc? "(Letter from Yana, Cipinang Muara).

According to Dr. Slamet Iman Santoso R Soetomo, internist, basically every person could have anything to drink boiled water, such as bottled water, hot tea, or cold water using ice cubes. People will become resistant to temperature stimuli as above when in infancy, childhood, young adult, adult, and by old age are taught constantly. In principle, people would be healthier if all things are eaten or drunk close to body temperature. Thus, your entire digestive system is not too much trouble to adjust the temperature of food intake.

Of course people should drink cold water because the body can surely adjust to the intake, but the organs of the body in the finished work a bit extra. Drinking cold water is generally okay, but there are weaknesses that are relative. For example, there are germs that can live at low temperatures (at high temperatures the bacteria had been turned off).

In addition, at cold temperatures, the nerves around the mouth, throat, until the upper abdomen would suddenly aroused. Mucous membrane in the vicinity were also stimulated (shrinking) even though very little. Enzymes and gastric juices will react quickly to the cold temperatures.

You can feel when the weather is very hot, our body will feel hot and sweaty. If you drink water with ice cubes, the stomach will feel cramps or spasms. Drinking ice will change the rhythm or the employment ordinance tool in the body, especially the stomach. Indirect result of these reactions is the emergence of a little gas in the stomach which can make a distended stomach as you read
1:16 AM | 1 komentar | Read More

Because Buncit Stomach Bloating?

Make a flashback to the food and beverages you consume to prevent or overcome, as suggested Marissa Lippert, a diet expert best-selling author of The Cheater's Diet.

1. Expand the drinking water
Water will eliminate bloating immediately, by helping the digestion and overcoming hunger and hydration level. As a bonus, drink plenty of water will also make your skin look fresher and helps prevent the signs of aging (like wrinkles). Drink 1.5 to 3 liters of water per day, depending on your level of activity. To be more fresh taste, pour the lemon juice or cucumber slices.

2. Eating foods bloating repellent
Cucumber, asparagus, artichokes, watermelon, fruit from citrus groves, melons, and cantaloupe, are some kind of fruit that act as natural diuretics. If your body tends to easily hold the water, this fruit can be tried because it makes you urinate often. In addition, foods that contain healthy fats such as salmon, avocado, and olive oil can also help reduce inflammation and keep the stomach flat.

3. Avoid artificial sweeteners, caffeine, and carbonated beverages
Ever felt so full stomach after drinking coffee? This often happens when your stomach is not filled with food. Many people do not have time to eat, and then accidentally drank coffee to "prop up" the stomach. In fact, this satiety are hoaxes. The result may actually be a little bloated your stomach for it. For that, consider your diet. Do you frequently eat sugar-free candy, drinking caffeine and carbonated drinks? Food and drink is the cause of your stomach is sensitive to bloating.

4. First, Choose your alcoholic beverages
Alcoholic beverages also appeared to have a different calorie count. Avoid beverages containing sugar, or high in calories, so that could disrupt the space in your stomach. You can enjoy 1 or 2 cocktail of your choice such as Margaritas on the rocks, Mojito, and sangria, then sip a lighter type, such as champagne, wine, light beer, or vodka-soda.

Want to know how many approximate calories in your drink?
* White or rose wine (147.8 ml) - 110 calories
* Mojito (103.5 ml) - 150 calories
* Margarita on the rocks (88.7) - 223 calories
* Sangria (1 cup) - 120 calories

5. Avoid junk food
Fried food is greasy and fatty foods, like french fries, chips, candy, or bread, usually contain a lot of sodium, sugar, zero calories, and carbohydrates that contain starch. Foods such as these absorb the energy levels and cause bloating. Instead, enjoy the food with healthier ingredients, especially fruits and vegetables. For vegetables, avoid-containing gas such as cabbage, mustard greens, or young jackfruit.
1:15 AM | 0 komentar | Read More

Allow eggs eaten Every Day

Egg yolk is rich in essential nutrients important for health. One of them is choline. Choline is important to maintain the smooth functioning of the body's metabolism. Many myths say that eating an egg yolk can cause heart disease risk. In fact, research results published in the American Journal of Clinic Nutrition says that eggs have little saturated fat levels so as not to  interfere with heart health.

The problem is if the eggs are fried, then taken every day for more than a grain by people with heart disease or those with a propensity to heart disease. As stated by Dr. Larry Goddard Wijono, SpGK, a nutritionist from RS Mitra Kemayoran.

In fact, continued Dr. Lany, someone will need some nutrients, including protein and vitamins in the eggs, vary depending on the conditions and activities of each.

One egg yolk contains 25 percent of the daily choline requirement. For people with heart disease, adequate consumption of 2 egg yolks per week. If you do not have a history of heart disease, we can eat boiled egg every day.
1:14 AM | 0 komentar | Read More

Who says 'Snacking' Night Make Fat

Therefore, nighttime snacking is fine as long as you can choose the kind of healthy snacks. In addition, the name alone snacking, which means eating light. So, the key is small portions and easy to digest. So, the rules regarding the lag time of 4 hours between meals and bedtime can be ignored.

Here are examples of foods that can be eaten at night, which made no increased waist circumference or weight gain.

1. Bean
Antioxidant-rich snack that is also a delicious meal bedtime. Nuts contain lots of fiber that creates a feeling full longer. As a result, you will not wake up early in the morning with a stomach rumbling. Nuts also help regulate blood sugar and support the production of serotonin in the body. Handful of nuts (any kind allowed) will be enough to satisfy curiosity night snacking.

2. "Popcorn"
In addition to sweet foods, usually at night you want something salty snack. Popcorn could be an alternative because not only is a source of complex carbohydrates, but also low in calories. Originally, you do not add too much salt, caramel, or butter on it. In addition, because the popcorn is also low in fat, you will not feel bloated or sick stomach when you wake up in the morning.

3. White Water
Health experts say, often times we either capture a sense of thirst as hunger. Therefore, before you trigger spent three pieces of brownies or a bowl of instant noodles, try drinking a cup or two cups of water. For it was not flat, give lemon juice or lime (both types of fruit also has the function of detoxification). Wait up to 10 minutes. If your stomach still reads, then look for snacks or drinks that are healthier.

4. Milk
Choose low-calorie milk and low fat. Milk contains tryptophan, an amino acid that helps calm you and bring you into deep sleep. Tryptophan also serves to increase the production of serotonin in the body, which helps you feel sleepy. In addition, milk also contains calcium and vitamin D is beneficial for strong bones and teeth.

5. Vegetable
Vegetables may not be the kind of snack that tastes invite, but be a good resource for some reason nutrition and diet. Vegetables enriched with vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients the body uses to recover and nourish the body through the night. In addition, the vegetables also contain lots of fluids, thereby reducing the feeling of thirst when you wake up in the morning. Most importantly, vegetables are also low in calories and low in fat. So, eat in any amount will not affect weight.

6. Whole Wheat
Like milk, whole wheat enriched with carbohydrates which help raise the level of tryptophan. What matters more is, processed carbohydrates, like pasta, potato chips and white bread, can cause blood sugar levels rise. If the consume, the less you sleep so soundly. Select only oatmeal, high fiber cereal, or grilled wheat bread is digested easily and quickly.

7. Biscuit
Want to eat chocolate? Replace it with sweet foods, but homemade. For example, a chocolate biscuit smeared with fruit jam or peanut butter. May not be sugar-free jam at all or not quite natural, but enough to satisfy the desire to eat sweet foods. We also get the benefits of fruit and protein.

8. Soup
Maybe you store canned soup. However, it is better if you eat a homemade soup. If you're used to cook yourself, then set aside in part and store in the refrigerator. If you are lazy to cook, then try buying a lot of vegetable soup sold in fast food restaurants. You also can buy a sachet of instant soup, but be careful with the content of sodium or other ingredients you do not understand on the packaging label. Observe correct raw materials. Add vegetables when eating them.
1:13 AM | 0 komentar | Read More Techie Blogger